Re: AMBER: Glycam

From: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:44:52 -0500


        There are two possible places that might help you out. The Amber
manual has a section on Glycam, and how to build a polysaccharide
(Amber9 - p22-29). This is the first place I would look. Secondly,
go to the Glycam website (
This has many useful tools such as an online Sander input generator
and a small Oligosaccharide library. With knowledge of Amber and
after looking at these two places, you should have enough to be
dangerous :) .

        A manuscript for Glycam06 has been submitted for peer review, so
keep an eye out for it.


On Feb 6, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Beale, John wrote:
> Has anyone prepared a tutorial involving building and simulating
> carbohydrates or glycosylated peptides using the glycam parameters.
> John Beale
Karl N. Kirschner, Ph.D.
Center for Molecular Design, Co-Director
Department of Chemistry
Hamilton College, Clinton NY 13323

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