AMBER: Tutorial for chemical shift calculation?

From: Mike Summers <>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 20:04:48 -0500

I'd like to calculated the chemical shift of a
methyl group within a protein. Based on my reading
of the Amber9 manual, I think I should use DivCon, but
I can't find examples on how to execute DivCon,
how to set up the input files, etc. Some examples I've
found suggest that DivCon is executed from within Antechamber.

Is there a tutorial somewhere that would help guide me?

Thanks in advance,


Michael F. Summers
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle 
Baltimore, MD 21250
Phone: (410)-455-2527  
FAX:   (410)-455-1174
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