Re: AMBER: floating point assist faults on IA64 PMEMD 9

From: Jarrod Smith <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 17:32:36 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 13 Dec 2006, Robert Duke wrote:

> used under mpi - that's fp math. In the normal install, I believe sgi
> provides these libraries, rather than you needing to build them. That
> is how you are getting mpi? If that's the case, I then have to defer
> the question to

Yes, we're using the vendor-supplied MPI (MPT in SGI parlance).
Specifically, we are using sgi-mpt-1.10.1-sgi306r1, which is getting
pretty old by now...

Hopefully SGI can shed some light on what's happening.


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