AMBER: xmgr error

From: a a <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 17:50:25 +0800

Dear Sir/Madam,

I try to download the zip files (polyAT_vac_md1_12Acut.summary.tar.gz,
polyAT_vac_md1_nocut.summary.tar.gz). and run the following commands in
tutorial one.

xmgr ./polyAT_vac_md1_12Acut/summary.EPTOT

However, the following error message was found.

[PATH]$ xmgr ./polyAT_vac_md1_12Acut/summary.EPTOT
bash: xmgr: command not found

Would you mind to let me know how can I fix it?

Best regards,


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Received on Sun May 21 2006 - 06:07:11 PDT
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