Re: AMBER: RED: extra variable definition

From: Vlad Cojocaru <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 10:08:32 +0100

Dear Francois,
   The solution that you gave me kills GAMESS for some reason ....
   There is a simple solution that I wanted to avoid but that works fine
and I guess I will go on like that .. I just set $rungms="./rungms" and
$scrpath="./scratch"....I wanted to avoid this because I am trying to
set up RED+GAMESS such as to be used by all my department .... and I
thought that it is better to define a $WORKDIR and then introduce some
warnings in case ./scratch is not found or ./rumgms is not found .....
But I did that by building a file which executes RED only if
../rungms and ./scratch are present ....
   Now everything works fine ...thanks for help anyway ...


          Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
          EML Research gGmbH
          Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group
          Villa Bosch
          Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
          69118 Heidelberg
          Phone: +49-6221-533266
          Fax: +49-6221-533298
          Additional info: my home page
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