David A. Case wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 08, 2005, John S Zintsmaster wrote:
>>i'm am trying to calculate time correlation functions with amber 8 and i
>>am running into major brick walls. has anyone out there successfully
>>calculated a time correlation function via ptraj? is it possible? if so,
>>i would very much like to here about your experience.
>I do this all the time. But without knowing what problems you have, I don't
>see how I can help much.
hello dr. case,
this was my description of the trouble i'm having:
i'm am trying to calc time correlation functions with ptraj and cannot.
i am getting a segmentation fault error when i try this.
here is my ptraj.in:
trajin NVE.trj
trajout NVE_trajout
strip :WAT
vector v0 .14 corr .15 out v0.out
analyze timecorr vec1 v0 out v0_tcf.out
here is the majority of what comes out when i enter ~:ptraj BNZ.top
ptraj.in -
PTRAJ: Processing input file...
Input is from file ptraj.in
PTRAJ: trajin NVE.trj
Checking coordinates: NVE.trj
PTRAJ: trajout NVE_trajout
PTRAJ: strip :WAT
Mask [:WAT] represents 1644 atoms
PTRAJ: vector v0 .14 corr .15 out v0.out
Mask [.14] represents 1 atoms
Mask [.15] represents 1 atoms
PTRAJ: analyze timecorr vec1 v0 out v0_tcf.out
Segmentation fault
i have tried many variations of the input file. there seems to be a
memory allocation problem in the actions.c. when amber is run with
debugging flags a possible bug was identified . line 12067 in actions.c.
it seems that VectorInfo - Vx[i] Vy, Vz, Cx, Cy, Cz...etc
might be the root of the problem. has anyone had trouble with this
before (or have a solution). if i just try to use the vector comand and
try to dump the vector information to some .out i get a seg fault right
before it fills the .out file.
thank you for any guidance in this issue, it is greatly appreciated.
i've tried the above on different machines with excessive memory and get
the same seg. fault. the above ref. to a line in actions.c is where i've
stumbled to explain the seg fault. i have no clue if its a valid cause
at all. thanks a lot for any help.
John Zintsmaster
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Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 18:53:01 PST