Dear Jenk,
> I have installed the latest version of GAMESS (27 JUN
> 2005 (R2)) on my PC-LINUX computer. RED II has now no
> problems with the new version of GAMESS.
> I ran a GAMESS job for a copper.4H2O complex using
> REDII's default optimization parameters. I has taken
> about more than two days and finally I got my ESP
> charges and a mol2 structure for the optimized complex
> so this case is closed.
I think you are right, it is a Vgood idea to get ESP charges before RESP
> I am now working on restraining ESP charges for the
> copper complex.I plan on sending you another E-Mail
> for that.
Thanks for sending feedback for this. It is nice to have results for problems
since it helps improve R.E.D.
Regards, Francois
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