Re: AMBER: Simple 3D Molecule Visualization

From: FyD <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 21:16:19 +0200

Quoting "Alec M. Resnick" <>:

> So I figured that if anyone could provide an elegant software
> solution to this problem, AMBER users could. I've been searching for
> a simple program which can be used to create stylized, 3D ball and
> stick models from a set of coordinates (not too large at all).
> Additionally, I'd like to draw in the dipole vector. A high degree
> of customization would be ideal. What options might I have from
> which to choose?

You might also consider Jmol ( which visualizes
structures using Java (JRE in
browsers such as IE, firefox etc...
It has a quite nice scripting system to automate things.
We use it to display 3D structures but also atomic charges in web pages...
See an example

Regards, Francois

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