Hi Users:
I try to run a REM job with the following command:
/usr/bin/mpirun -np 10 /home/asantana/amber/amber8/exe/sander.REM -ng 10 -rem
1 -remlog taoREM.LOG -inf taoREM.INF -O -i taorem_REP.in -o taorem_REP.out -c
taomin_R.rst -p tao_T.top -r taorem_REP.rst -x taorem_REP.mdcrd
This is the output:
Total processors = 10
Number of groups = 10
Looping over processors:
WorldRank is the global PE rank
NodeID is the local PE rank in current group
Group = 0
WorldRank = 0
NodeID = 0
Group = 1
WorldRank = 1
NodeID = 0
Group = 2
WorldRank = 2
NodeID = 0
Group = 3
WorldRank = 3
NodeID = 0
Group = 4
WorldRank = 4
NodeID = 0
Group = 5
WorldRank = 5
NodeID = 0
Group = 6
WorldRank = 6
NodeID = 0
Group = 7
WorldRank = 7
NodeID = 0
Group = 8
WorldRank = 8
NodeID = 0
Group = 9
WorldRank = 9
NodeID = 0
MPI: On host gelato,
Program /home/asantana/amber/amber8/exe/sander.REM, Rank 2, Process 26086
called MPI_Abort(<communicator>, 1)
MPI: --------stack traceback-------
sh: line 1: idb: command not found
MPI: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 2 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
MPI: aborting job
What could be the problem???
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