Re: AMBER: broblem of replica exchange MD with polarizable force field

From: Guanglei Cui <>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:01:46 -0400

Hi, Wenfei

When sander was turned into a subroutine to allow the current REM
implementation, it wasn't done to its completion. It was realized later
there are quite a few static variables used in other subroutines called
by sander. These variables affects the state of sander. Unless these
variables are found and replaced, there will be potential issues of
running REM. The original intention was to use REM with GB solvation
model. I guess I was lucky that no static variables were used in GB
related subroutines.


wenfei Li wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I'm doing a replica-exchange MD simulation  with the polarizable force field (ff02). In calculating the induced dipole, the Car-Parinello scheme is used. However, the polarization part of the potential energy is always positive which is obviously unreasonable. Meanwhile, the polarization part of the potential energy is zero at the first time step of the MD. After reading the code carefully,  I found that the varialble "initdip" which appears at Line 64 of ew_handle_dips.f is always zero after the first attempt of exchange:
>     "if ( indmeth < 3 .or. initdip == 1 )then)."
> This results in that the initial value of the induced dipoles are always zero. I guess that the simultaneously use of the multisander and "data initdip/1/ " at Line 39 of ew_handle_dips.f may result in the above problem. 
> I tried to change  the Line 64 of ew_handle_dips.f from "if ( indmeth < 3 .or. initdip == 1 )then)." to "if ( indmeth < 3 .or. nstep == 0 )then)."and added a common block "common /nstep_dip/ nstep" to both runmd.f and ew_handle_dips.f. After the above modifications,the results seems reasonable(The polarization part of the potential energy is negative). Is this a bug or something wrong with my input data?
> Here is one of my input data:
> Zinc finger : REMD simulation
>  &cntrl
>   imin = 0, ipol = 1, irest = 1, ntx = 7,
>   ntb = 1, 
>   cut = 8, ntr=0,
>   ntc = 2, ntf = 2,
>   temp0 = 283.90,
>   ntt = 1, tautp = 0.5,
>   nstlim = 40, dt = 0.001,numexchg=10,
>   ntpr = 1, ntwx = 20, ntwr = 20
>  /
>  &ewald
>   indmeth = 3,
>   diptau = 9.99,
>   dipmass = 0.55
>  /
> My output data is as following,
>  NSTEP =        1   TIME(PS) =     550.041  TEMP(K) =   285.47  PRESS =     0.0
>  Etot   =    -20097.5755  EKtot   =      4214.2849  EPtot      =    -24311.8604
>  BOND   =        91.2338  ANGLE   =       243.6370  DIHED      =       226.3469
>  1-4 NB =        90.4093  1-4 EEL =       760.0888  VDWAALS    =      3369.8051
>  EELEC  =    -29093.3813  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =         0.0000
>  Dipole convergence: rms =  0.420E+00 temperature =   0.00
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  NSTEP =        2   TIME(PS) =     550.042  TEMP(K) =   286.22  PRESS =     0.0
>  Etot   =    -20104.8694  EKtot   =      4225.4455  EPtot      =    -24330.3149
>  BOND   =        88.9608  ANGLE   =       245.3921  DIHED      =       226.7057
>  1-4 NB =        90.4598  1-4 EEL =       758.3377  VDWAALS    =      3367.0800
>  EELEC  =    -29115.9920  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =         0.0000
>  EPOLZ  =         8.7411  E3BODY  =         0.0000
>  Dipole convergence: rms =  0.341E+00 temperature =  83.05
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  NSTEP =        3   TIME(PS) =     550.043  TEMP(K) =   287.20  PRESS =     0.0
>  Etot   =    -20098.8096  EKtot   =      4239.8778  EPtot      =    -24338.6874
>  BOND   =        85.6602  ANGLE   =       245.1373  DIHED      =       227.2315
>  1-4 NB =        90.3593  1-4 EEL =       756.4102  VDWAALS    =      3363.8731
>  EELEC  =    -29129.7588  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =         0.0000
>  EPOLZ  =        22.3996  E3BODY  =         0.0000
>  Dipole convergence: rms =  0.232E+00 temperature = 137.27
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ...............
> Thanks,
> Wenfei Li
> Institute of Biophysics,
> Nanjing University
> P. R. China
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