RE: AMBER: Searching for NAD parameter files / Problems with parameter file creation

From: Rhoad, Jonathan S. <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 10:08:01 -0500


>I also tried to generate parameter files myself using
>antchamber. I mannaged to create a file but if I use it,
>the NAD appears two times in my model since the NAD
>is added a 2nd time as a bunch of heteroatoms.

Without your input files it is impossible to tell for sure, but I will
hazard a guess. If you have the proper Residue name, but the atom names
from your pdb do not EXACTLY match the expected atom names from the .off
it will add all of the atoms that are missing.

Hope this helps.

Jonathan Rhoad
123 Chemistry
Life Sciences Post-doctoral Fellow
Department of Chemistry
University of Missouri-Columbia
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