AMBER: Announcing the LMOD website

From: Istvan Kolossvary <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 20:18:52 +0200 (CEST)

Dear Amber users:

The Amber 8 interface to the "low-mode" conformational searching and
flexible docking libraries has now been fully implemented and can be
obtained as a patch by visiting the LMOD website. You can access the LMOD
website via the LMOD link on the Amber home page, or, go directly to

The website provides general information, documentation and a discussion
forum about LMOD. As a registered user you have access to the LMOD server
for trying your own molecule. You can upload a pair of
prmtop-inpcrd/restart files and submit a short LMOD search. You will
receive an e-mail with a web address where you can download the results.
You can also post "LMOD stories" with a similar look and feel to that
shown on the main page.

We appreciate your feedback and any comments.

Thank you very much,

   Istvan Kolossvary and Laszlo Molnar

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