Most modern linux distribution can mount a NTFS partition
as read only, but it is much more tricky to write to a
NTFS partition (to the best of recollection). You might
want to create a FAT32 partition (or add a second HD and
partition it as FAT32), which is quite easy to mount with
read/write access from both Windows & Linux. There are
inherent limitations with FAT32 namely the handling of
very large files and total number of files. You will lose
all of your linux permissions when you copy over to a
FAT32 partition when under linux. There are no
permissions under a FAT32 partition in Windows that I am
aware of. I have done exactly what I have described in
the past on dual-boot win/lin boxes. I also believe there
are significant differences with the way in which windows
and linux write files. This may cause formatting (file
open) errors under both operating systems. Be careful.
If any of the AMBER users disagree or have a better idea,
I would be interested to hear about it.
Thomas Patko
Graduate Student
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
California State University, Long Beach
Dr. Marco Lopez Research Group
On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 18:24:05 -0400 wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I am wondering if what is the convince way to transfer
>data from linux to
> windows if i have both system in one computer.
> Thanks!
> Shuting
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