Re: AMBER: question whem using leap

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 07:45:53 -0400

load amber coordinate files using the rst7 format. crd is for trajectories.

du yongchun wrote:

> hi,amber
> In leap I can load a protein peptide which was dowload in amber
> tutoril 2
> (
> and then I get the top file and crd file .But later I use VMD to load
> them ,it become very strange.Surely I load top file as parm7 format
> and then load crd file as crd format.There are much more differnces
> comparing with the image I load ser.pdb straightly.Can you tell me why
> and how to modify it?
> Thanks ! du
> 2005.6.2
> ___________________________

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