Dear All,
I have two questions, and expect eagerly help.
(1) The effect of neutralizing ions on GB-MD
My GB-MD (IGB=2 in Amber 7) system has two different proteins. In order to neutralize this system, 7 Cl- ions was added. These Cl- ions are located in different positions instead of a straight line. After producing corresponding and complex.crd files, the system energy minimization was done as following:
sander -O -i -o complex.out -p -c complex.crd -r complex_min.restrt -ref complex.crd
However my system can not run by wrong message "bad atom type: IM". When I do not neutralize the system without 7 Cl- ions, the energy minimization runs OK. May I know how to run my GB simulations?
I can not find clear answers about the the effect of neutralizing ions on GB-MD in AMBER Archive. Here, how about the difference of GB-MD results with/without neutralizing ions? It is essential to neutralize system in GB simulations?
(2) The effect of neutralizing ions on interactive energy
When running my or other protein-protein systems by GB (IGB=2 in Amber 7) simulations with/without neutralizing ions, respectively, how about the difference of electrostatic energy, van der Waals energy, and other energy values that are calculated by MM-GBSA? It is also essential to include neutralizing ions in MM-GBSA?
Looking forward to help, and thanks a lot in advance!
Best wishes,
Yingliang Wu
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