>The calculation runs beyond perfection, structure is quite reasonable :)... This
>means that with eedmeth=5 in the ewald part and dielc = 4, in the upper section
>we are actually implementing a distance-dependent dielctric 4r(i,j), right? One
yes, this is a distance dependent dielectric. sander should
tell you this, please read the output files carefully.
>another question.. In this non-periodic case of ewald sums, how shall i decide
>for example on other PME flags like USE_PME (which I usually put 0 for PBCs to
use_pme won't matter, your sander output should already say that pme isn't
used since it isn't periodic.
>save time..), and VDWMETH..? Shall they remain defaults, like I used in this
you say that you usually set use_pme to 0 to "save time", but you
should also consider the quality of the calculation, not just the speed.
many studies have shown that long-range interactions can be important.
>Thanks again,
>Kind Regards
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