RE: AMBER: restart calculation

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 10:02:12 -0800

For restarts with the velocities you need to set irest=1 and ntx=5.

All the best

|\oss Walker

| Department of Molecular Biology TPC15 |
| The Scripps Research Institute |
| Tel:- +1 858 784 8889 | EMail:- |
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> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of tang kwa
> Sent: 23 November 2004 02:31
> To:
> Subject: AMBER: restart calculation
> Dear all,
> I have performed simulation of NaCl in water box. I
> have a problem when I restarted my simulation. If the
> restart file is contained the velocity, I cannot
> restart the next step. However I can use all the
> inputs performing the simulation with the inpcrd file.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Here I give you one of my input.
> &cntrl
> ntpr = 500, ntwx = 500,
> ntf = 2, ntb = 2, ntp = 1,
> ntc = 2, ntt = 1, tol = 0.00001,
> taup = 0.5, tautp = 0.5,
> cut = 14.0, nsnb = 10,
> nstlim = 15000, dt = 0.002,
> temp0 = 298.0, tempi = 298.0,
> &end
> ---------------------------------------------------
> could you please give me suggesstion?
> regards,
> TK
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Received on Tue Nov 23 2004 - 18:53:00 PST
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