Re: AMBER: <dV/dL> fluctuations in TI

From: Chunhu Tan <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 11:07:03 -0800

Hi, Nelson,

     This page maybe helpful...

   Dr. Pearlman's series papers on Gibbs are very helpful, you can find them
on the Gibbs manual reference. The following paper can give you some feeling
about decoupling:
 J. Chem. Phys. V119, 2003. p5740 " Extremely precise free energy
calculations of amino acid side chain analogs: Comparison of common
molecular mechanics force fields for proteins" M.R. Shirts etc.
    So far as I know, when you perturb some charged residues to dummy,
Sander TI may be better, because in Gibbs of AMBER 7 PME had not been used.

   I am sorry to transfer this mail to the list without your permission, but
I think it's better for us to learn from other's view. :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nelson Fonseca" <>
To: "Chunhu Tan" <>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: AMBER: <dV/dL> fluctuations in TI

   Experience is what you get when you don't get what you
> -- Dan Stanford--
> hi!
> in fact, I have very close contact in the lasts points of my simulations.
> These arise from the zero force constants used for the dummy dihedrals
> that promote large rotations around some angle giving close contacts
> between Dummy Atoms and regular atoms that still have some residual
> charges (lambda = 0,98). Is there any way to do the decoupling within
> sander? Trying first to do 2 separate jobs- one perturbing the VdW
> parameters and the other perturbing the charges? And the how to compute
> the free energy from the decoupling? Do you have some references about the
> subject? Yesterday I have compiled Gibbs, do you recommend to use Gibbs to
> perform TI or Sander?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Regards
> Nelson Fonseca

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