On Mon, Nov 15, 2004, Nelson Fonseca wrote:
> Im having a problem with the compilation of gibbs with
> ifc8 compiler.
> : undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
> : undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
> : undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
> : undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
> : undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
> Can someone have an idea of what is going wrong with the
> compilation?
Pretty simple: you have an undefined reference to derfcfun(). Depending on
what kind of machine you are on, you could try adding "-lm" to the library
list, or add "-DHAS_FTN_ERFC" to the flags in your MACHINE file.
I'm assuming you have considered the following arguments:
....good luck...dac
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