AMBER: Compiling AMBER8

From: Justin Sanders <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:54:05 -0400


   I keep getting this error when attempting to compile AMBER8 on a r10k

Starting installation of Amber8 (serial) at Thu Sep 30 10:56:03 PDT 2004.
        mkdir ../exe
Cannot create directory "../exe": File exists
*** Error code 2 (bu21) (ignored)
        cd lib; make install
        /lib/cpp -P -I/disk02/usr/people/jsanders/amber8/src/include -DSGI
-DnoVDINVSQRT -DSGIFFT new2oldparm.f > _new2oldparm.f
        f90 -c -n32 -mips4 -r10000 -OPT:roundoff=3:IEEE_arithmetic=3
-TARG:isa=mips4:platform=ip32_5k:processor=r5000 -TENV:X=1 -O0 -o
new2oldparm.o _new2oldparm.f
f90: Error: -32 compilation not supported for ucode

What does this error mean? What tags are not being defined to cause this error
to occur? RSVP

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Received on Thu Sep 30 2004 - 16:53:00 PDT
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