AMBER: Question about Parallel Compilation

From: David LeBard <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 16:12:54 -0700


I am having a problem compiling amber8 with MPICH on a opteron cluster
(OS: SuSE Enterprise) using the Portland Group compiler. This seems
strange because I updated the config.h file from the amber website that
is specifically made for PG & opterons. The error comes after compiling
quite a few routines, which can be seen in the text below:

cpp -traditional -I/usr/rels/mpich/include -P
-I/usr/local/amber8/src/include -DMPI assert.f > _assert.f
pgf90 -c -O -Mfree -o assert.o _assert.f
cpp -traditional -I/usr/rels/mpich/include -P
-I/usr/local/amber8/src/include -DMPI mmtsb.f > _mmtsb.f
pgf90 -c -O -Mfree -o mmtsb.o _mmtsb.f
pgcc -c -O2 -o mmtsb_client.o mmtsb_client.c
pgcc-linux86-64: LICENSE MANAGER PROBLEM: No such feature exists
Feature: pgcc-linux86-64
License path: /usr/pgi/license.dat
FLEXlm error: -5,357
For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
available at "".
make[1]: *** [mmtsb_client.o] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/amberCD/amber8/src/sander'
make: *** [parallel] Error 2

Any help with this would be appreciated.

David LeBard

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Received on Wed Sep 22 2004 - 01:53:00 PDT
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