AMBER: make install error

From: Abd Ghani Bin Abd Aziz <>
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 17:56:40 +0800

Dear amber
i try to install my amber6 on linux (redhat As enterprise edition)..i
already changed the target /usr/local/amber6 (as my AMBERHOME). but i still
get the same error msg.. i think i have problem with my MACHINE file... can
someone guide me how to edit my machine file? for your information i untar
my mpich in home directory (but using root loginname) and do './configure
--prefix=/usr/local/mpich-1.2.6' and then i do 'make' and 'make install'...
so now.. what should i do? how should i edit my MACHINE file ?

below is the step and error msg during make install amber in /sander:-

i do 'ln -sf Machines/Machine.g77_mpich MACHINE
> - and the i try to make install in /sander but i got this
> error msg :-

root.alpha sander]# make install
> ( SYSDIR=`../sysdir dir` ; echo sysdir is $SYSDIR ; \
> cd $SYSDIR ; make sys.a )
> sysdir is ERROR:/usr/local/amber6/src/MACHINE-NOT-A-FILE
> /bin/sh: line 1: cd:
> ERROR:/usr/local/amber6/src/MACHINE-NOT-A-FILE:
> No such file or directory
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/amber6/src/sander'
> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `sys.a'. Stop.
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/amber6/src/sander'
> make: *** [syslib] Error 2

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