We are about to by a new linux cluster and try to run some benchmarks,
but we don't get the timings. This is what we have tryed (for AMBER7):
In order to do some analysis I compiled amber7 on an Opteron Quad (SuSE
Linux 9.0, gcc 3.3.1) by
- in $AMBERHOME/src/MACHINE linked to Machines/Machine.g77
- omit compilation of gibbs (because of internal compiler errors)
- compiled only text version of LEaP
- $AMBERHOME/test: make test.sander - all tests PASSED successfully
Question concerning 'jac' benchmark output:
bench.jac.out looks identical compared to tests on other UNIX/Linux
systems, except at the end it yields only:
| Highest rstack allocated: 1206572
| Highest istack allocated: 852084
| Setup wallclock 1 seconds
| Nonsetup wallclock 95 seconds
Why do I get no full output for 'timings' ?
Is there some package missing in the oper. system ?
Arvid Soderhall
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Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 13:53:00 PST