From: Anselm Horn <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 12:34:50 +0100

Dear Obdulia,

> I have changed parameter (MAXMEMX=350000000) in sizes.h, but I receive
> the following message:
> [...]
> real*8 x (MAXMEMX)
> ^
> Array `x' at (^) is too large to handle
> _nmode_.f: Outside of any program unit:
> _nmode_.f:50: size of variable `store_x__' is too large
> make: *** [nmode.o] Error 1/
> I have read about a related problem in previous messages, where it is
> advised to change compiler.
> I have tried with g77 and ifc (7.1), but the problem remains.
> Could anybody help me, please?
> (My PC has 2 Gb Ram and 1 Gb swapp memory).

You seem to have run into the 2 GB limit inherent to 32bit systems.
When you try allocating a double precision variable of size 350000000 with the
Intel compiler it complains (example program):

Error 530 : In program unit LARGE the size of array A exceeds the implementation
limit (2**31-1)

Comparing the numbers yields: 2^32 - 1 = 2,147,483,647 whereas 350,000,000 * 8 =
2,800,000,000. So, if you reduce the MAXMEMX parameter appropriately (e.g.
260,000,000 * 8 = 2,080,000,000), it should compile.
If this is not sufficient memory, you have to move to 64bit systems ...



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