AMBER: Amber on RedHat 3.0

From: <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 10:39:47 +0100


Is there somebody who may provide me with information relating to amber and
redhat 3.0?

Bull Novascale is the Bull server product line based on Intel Itanium 2
processors running Linux.
Amber supports this environment and we have made evaluation of Amber with
success and we've got a good level of performance.

We plan to sell our machines supporting RedHat AS 3.0 by the end of june
and still propose Amber but we are wondering about the change of the glibc
and the kernel there are in the RedHat AS 3.0. We think this should impact
Amber .

I would appreciate knowing if somebody use or plan to use RedHat AS 3.0 and
particularly glibc2.3

Moreover, does Amber depend on the kernel, for example using /proc which is
different between kernel 2.4.x versions and kernel 2.6.x versions.
Which is the kernel level currently supported?
Is there a plan to support the kernel 2.6?

Thanks in advance for your help.



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