Re: AMBER: Errors when running tleap

From: Bill Ross <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 13:31:54 -0800 (PST)

> [garbled text/html]

Best if you include the command that elicited the error,
and ideal if you can also email in plain text rather than
MIME/html. What follows is a snapshot of how that looks in
my mail reader:

;C 20&gt; and .R&lt;ILE 20384&gt;.A&lt;N 1&gt;<BR>WARNING: The unperturbed =
charge of the unit: -10.000000 is not zero</P>=0A<P>Thanx in advance<BR>Ann=

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Received on Wed Feb 25 2004 - 21:53:01 PST
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