Thank you for reply. Now I have got 3 visible Na+. But when I ran antechamber
with this command :
antechamber -i DNa3.pdb -fi pdb -o DNa3.prep -fo prepi -c bcc -nc -1 -at amber
It complained :
when using :
antechamber -i DNa3.pdb -fi pdb -o DNa3.prep -fo prepi -c gas -nc -1 -at amber
I got the output file :
48 H49 H1 E 47 43 41 1.089 109.736 164.838 0.094
49 O41 OS M 47 43 41 1.410 109.647 -74.908 -0.346
50 S42 SO M 49 47 43 1.619 120.495 -55.590 1.214
51 O43 O E 50 49 47 1.440 108.234 -54.758 -0.345
52 O44 O E 50 49 47 1.441 108.259 173.917 -0.345
53 O45 O M 50 49 47 1.610 102.709 59.556 -0.345
54 X 1 0 1 0.553 nan 63.375 0.000
55 X 1 0 1 0.553 nan 63.375 0.000
56 X 1 0 1 0.553 nan 63.375 0.00
Do you have any suggestion about this? Thank you very much.
Quoting Ross Walker <>:
> > I want to add 3 Na+ to my molecule. I found that there is Na
> > ion in ion94.lib.
> > But it seems that it is invisible. I am curious why it is
> > like this. How can I
> > make it visible when I add 3 Na+ to my molecule? Thanks in advance.
> Open your molecule in xleap:
> model = loadpdb myfile.pdb
> and then run the command:
> addions model Na+ 3
> This will create a 1 angstrom resolution charge grid around your molecule
> and add 3 Na+ ions at the three points of highest negative potential.
> For more info refer to the xleap manual or the DNA tutorial on the amber
> website
> All the best
> Ross
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Received on Tue Feb 24 2004 - 19:53:00 PST