On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, Bill Ross wrote:
> > set cen tail cen.1.x (where x is the tail atom number)
> > tmp1 = sequence { cen arm1 }
> > set tmp1 tail tmp1.1.y (where y is where I want to attach arm2)
> > tmp2 = sequence { tmp1 arm2 }
> > set tmp2 tail tmp2.1.z (z is the new tail on the central residue)
> > tmp3 = sequence { tmp2 arm3 }
> Have you verified that the parts are actually bonded?
I make it a habit to always look at a structure before running it.
It's too easy to make a stupid mistake and then waste time running
junk (garbage in, garbage out).
As for the steric overlap problem, this can definitely be a problem,
and I have avoided it by using a geometry for my sidechains that wouldn't
interfere with the others. This allowed me to run hundreds of isomers
in production runs without any bad contacts.
> Using 'sequence' should guarantee that leap will try to orient
> the joined residues according to internal coordinates derived
> from the residue templates (i.e. trying to keep atoms being
> bonded oriented properly for ther hybridization), however there
> is no guarantee that steric overlap will be avoided.
> Another approach is to put together a pdb file with all parts aligned
> with TER cards between them using a more powerful graphical editor
> than leap, then loadpdb and use the 'bond' command in leap to join them.
Ah! Now I see how this could work. This could be very useful, though
I'm not sure offhand how a PDB created by some other package would be
recognized when made up of a bunch of custom residues created in Amber.
- John
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Received on Mon Feb 23 2004 - 23:53:00 PST