Re: AMBER: MM-PBSA:??Decomposition of receptor energies??

From: ML <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:59:04 +0100

Dear Holger,
thank you for your answer. The thing is I want to get decomposed
interaction energies from separate trajectories.

>this you need a mapping from residues in the receptor/ligand to residues
>in the complex, which would be difficult if not everything is specified
>at once.)
First, I made decomposition on the individual trajectories. Do you think
I can get mm_pbsa_statistics work with options 2 1 when I specify
residues of the receptor and the ligand in the manner they are
specified in the complex (com.all.out file)? Or do you suggest sthing

>com/rec/lig at once. If you want to decompose the "conformational free
>energy" of just the receptor, try to specify these snapshots as com,
>rec, and lig. You should then get 3 times the same decomposition.

This doesn't work because LSTART and RSTART overlap and NGR error comes
out. My workaroud was to use molecule with water as com, molecule as rec
and water as lig.

>I admit, this is not elegant and
>something needs to be done here.
I agree, it would be of much use.

Best regards,


Martin Lepsik
Dept. of Molecular Modeling
Institute of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry
Czech Academy of Sciences
phone: +420-220 183 540
fax:+420-220 183 292

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