AMBER: rstdip

From: Martina Roeselova <>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 09:57:18 -0800

Is there a 'switch' to rename the dipole restart file (rstdip) when
using sander? It is not listed in the "File usage" section of the manual:

sander [-help] [-O] -i mdin -o mdout -p prmtop -c inpcrd -r restrt
-ref refc -x mdcrd -v mdvel -e mden -inf mdinfo -rad rad


Dr. Martina Roeselova Tel: +1-949-824-9921
Department of Chemistry Fax: +1-949-824-9920
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-2025 USA office: 3218, Natural Sciences I

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