Re: AMBER: sander and mpich (which compilers/mpich work)

From: Jerry Grooms <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 18:00:22 -0500 (EST)

Thomas Exner ( writes:

> Has anyone else experienced these problems and is there a way
> around them expect using only the serial version? Thank you
> very much.

We are recently seeing the exact same thing on a SuSE 8.2 system
using gcc 3.3 and mpich 1.2.5. I was going to try a different
compiler and see if that helps (Portland or Intel).

Your reports of Redhat 8/9 working ok surprise me a little as the
Amber web site indicates observed problems there, also.

Hopefully, it's a matter of getting the right combination of
compiler and mpich. I'll let you know if we get something
that works.


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