Dear Dr. Holger Gohlke,
I highly appreciate your reply!
All other examples from mm_pbsa examples except "Nmode" have no problem to run. The usful messages during running, I think, are as following:
file1: nmode_lig.1.out
Initiate the NMODE module of AMBER 7
File generated by
ntrun maxcyc ibelly drms
1 100 0 0.10E+01
rcut scnb scee dielc idiel
99.00000 2.00000 1.20000 4.00000 0
nsave dfpred bdwnhl smx emx alpha ndiag
20 0.01000 0.10000 0.08000 0.30000 0.80000 10
ipol = 0
i3bod = 0
nvect = 0
Binary format used for input coords.
| New format PARM file being parsed.
| Version = 1.000 Date = 01/07/02 Time = 15:05:50
PARM file has the title:
Memory allocation :
1 1242 2483 2525 2567
2659 2751 2843 2935 3027
3060 3093 3126 3155 3260
3365 3365 3365 3365 8329
0 1 1242 2484 3726
3923 3999 4077 4711 5345
5979 6597 7215 7833 9271
10709 12147 13585 14416 15247
16078 16909 21312 25715 30118
34521 38924 43327 47730 52133
56536 60939 67783 69024 72749
75233 76475 13293 17016 24462
77717 0 78959 0 0
0 0 0 0 70265
71507 12052 0
Duplicated 0 dihedrals
Duplicated 0 dihedrals
Memory allocation :
1 1242 2483 2525 2567
2659 2751 2843 2935 3027
3060 3093 3126 3155 3260
3365 3365 3365 3365 8329
0 1 1242 2484 3726
3923 3999 4077 4711 5345
5979 6597 7215 7833 9271
10709 12147 13585 14416 15247
16078 16909 21312 25715 30118
34521 38924 43327 47730 52133
56536 60939 67783 69024 72749
75233 76475 13293 17016 24462
78959 6957930 80201 6957931 6991438
6995161 0 0 0 70265
71507 12052 0
Total memory required : 20855890 real words
Total memory avail : 3500000 real words
Total memory required : 80201 integer words
Total memory avail : 4000000 integer words
Maximum nonbond pairs 3919798
increase the real memory by 17355890 words
file2: mm_pbsa.log
=>> Init data
Presuming executables of amber suite to be in /home/whu/amber7/exe
=>> Reading input parameters
Found PREFIX => ras_raf_II_wt
Found PATH => ../01_GenerateSnapshots/
Found COMPLEX => 0
Found RECEPTOR => 0
Found LIGAND => 1
Found LIGPT => ../raf_wt.prmtop
Found GC => 0
Found AS => 0
Found DC => 0
Found MM => 0
Found GB => 0
Found PB => 0
Found MS => 0
Found NM => 1
Found DIELC => 4
Found MAXCYC => 500
Found DRMS => 0.1
Found DELPHI => /home/whu/Delphi/LINUX/delphi
=>> Checking sanity
Checking GENERAL
Checking NM
=>> Creating input
Nmode input
=>> Calculating energy / entropy contributions
Calc contrib for ../01_GenerateSnapshots/ras_raf_II_wt_lig.crd.1
Minimize structure
Calc entropy
message during mm_pbsa running:
[whu.localhost 04_MMPBSA_Nmode]$ > mm_pbsa.log
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::mm_pbsa_stat : $calc_delt
a,$calc_dec,$input,$output,$snap_min,$snap_max at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/m line 275.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::output : $output,$calc_de
lta at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 363.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::output_snap : $output,$ca
lc_delta,$snap_min at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 49
Using an array as a reference is deprecated at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm_p line 560.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::output_decomp : $output,$
calc_delta,$calc_dec at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::calc_delta : $calc_dec at
/home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 747.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::map_res_pair : $j,$decind
,\$mapres1,\$mapres2 at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::map_res : $calcres,$mol a
t /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 918.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::map_ind_pair : $j%$decsum
com,$mol,\$maprec,\$maplig at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/
line 946.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::map_ind : $calcres,$com,$
mol at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 1028.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::calc_ave_stdev : $calc_de
lta,$calc_dec at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 1077.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::read_data : \.files,$calc
_dec,$snap_min,$snap_max at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ l
ine 1351.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::check_completeness : $fil
eno,$snap,$decsum,$snap_min at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm_pbsa_statistics.p
m line 1454.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::check_calc : \.tmp_calc a
t /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 1491.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::reorder_files : \.files a
t /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 1515.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::read_input : $ARGV[0],\.f
iles at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/ line 1542.
Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::calc_moments_of_distr : \
.data,\$ave,\$adev,\$sdev,\$var,\$skew,\$curt at /home/whu/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm line 1573.
Illegal character in prototype for main::init_data : \%PRO at /home/whu/amber7/e
xe/ line 124.
Illegal character in prototype for main::read_input : $file,\%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL,\%
GBO,\%MOL,\%NMO,\%MAK,\%PRO,\$TRA at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 149.
Illegal character in prototype for main::check_sanity : \%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL,\%GBO,
\%MOL,\%NMO,\%MAK,\%PRO,\$TRA at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 379.
Illegal character in prototype for main::get_res_no : $str at /home/whu/amber7/e
xe/ line 567.
Illegal character in prototype for main::test_par : \.,\. at /home/whu/amber7/ex
e/ line 591.
Illegal character in prototype for main::test_fil : \.,\. at /home/whu/amber7/ex
e/ line 626.
Illegal character in prototype for main::create_input : \%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL,\%GBO,
\%MOL,\%NMO,\%MAK,\%PRO,\$TRA at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 650.
Illegal character in prototype for main::create_nmode_input : \%GEN,\%NMO at /ho
me/whu/amber7/exe/ line 685.
Illegal character in prototype for main::create_sander_input : \%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL
,\%GBO at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 738.
Illegal character in prototype for main::create_delphi_input : \%DEL at /home/wh
u/amber7/exe/ line 862.
Illegal character in prototype for main::create_makecrd_input : \%GEN,\%MAK,\$TR
A at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 925.
Illegal character in prototype for main::create_coords : \%PRO,\$TRA at /home/wh
u/amber7/exe/ line 1038.
Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_energy_entropy : \%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL
,\%MOL,\%PRO at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1082.
Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_NM : *OUT,$nscl,$nnmo,$ncrdfile,$n
par,$sanout,$sanres,$nmodeout,\%PRO at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1208Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_ms : $out,$pqr,$mol,$r_mol,$r_pro
at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1253.
Illegal character in prototype for main::generate_pqr : $pdb,$pqr,$r_mol at /hom
e/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1279.
Illegal character in prototype for main::make_pqr_file : $pdb,$pqr,\%unit_rad,\%
exp_rad,\.pat at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1297.
Illegal character in prototype for main::read_radii_pattern : $r_mol->{"RADII"},
\%unit_rad,\%exp_rad,\.pat at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1353.
Illegal character in prototype for main::generate_pdb : $pdb,$ncrdfile,$npar,$r_
pro at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1418.
Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_MM_GB_SAS : *OUT,$nsan,$sanout,$nc
rdfile,$npar,$r_gen,$r_pro at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1455.
Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_PB : $OUT,$pdbbase,$outbase,\%DEL,
\%PRO at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1512.
Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_statistics : \%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL,\%G
BO,\%PRO at /home/whu/amber7/exe/ line 1566.
Illegal character in prototype for main::final_clean_up : \%GEN,\%DEL at /home/w
hu/amber7/exe/ line 1644.
/home/whu/amber7/exe/nmode -O -i -o nmode_lig.1.out -c sanm
in_lig.1.restrt -p ../raf_wt.prmtop not running properly
[whu.localhost 04_MMPBSA_Nmode]$
It seems that memory is not enough for calcuation, right? As for my computer, the meory is 512M, and swap memory is 1G.
Best regards,
Wu Yingliang
College of Life Sciences
Wuhan University
Wuhan 430072
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Received on Wed Jan 14 2004 - 15:53:02 PST