At 02:02 PM 11/11/2003 -0500, Yichen Cao wrote:
>Hello everyone:
>I want to calculate the solvent accessible sureface area (SASA). But it
>seems the GB/SA can only give the energy correction of molecule surface to
>the overall solvation energy. If I want to know the value of SASA, can I
>calculate it in Amber?
I'm also learning MM_GBSA. Apologies in advance if my answer here is not
I've also included an earlier correspondence on this from the AMBER email
list, which is more direct.
In amber7/src/sander/egb.f, this is the code for the output of the ESURF
energy value when gbsa=1 (which is the case when sander is called by the script acting on MS==0 in its input file)
esurf = surften*totsasa
This implies that totsasa=esruf/(surface tension)
I grepped for surften in the amber7/src/sander/*.f files, and found no
other use of the variable, so setting it to 1.0 should not harm any other
Back to mm_pbsa, which I have been exploring recently:
In the sander .in file created by I have here:
File generated by Using MM GB MS
ntf = 1, ntb = 0, dielc = 1,
idecomp= 0,
igb = 1, saltcon= 0.2,
offset = 0.09, extdiel= 78.5,
gbsa = 1, surften= 1.0,
<<< Above line Means "use LCPO" method (output ESURF) value with surface
tension=1.0 >>>
cut = 99999.0, nsnb = 99999,
scnb = 2.0, scee = 1.2,
imin = 1, maxcyc = 1, ncyc = 0,
So, since surften=1.0, ESURF=surface area, and the "surface area" values in's *.all.out files are simply created by substituting "surface
area" for sander's ESURF value:
$line =~ s/ ESURF +=/surface area =/; # Equal output as for MS
I hope this helps. The scripts are great work - but you do have
to hack through them a bit to sort through some details of the options.
In other words, The surften value that passes to sander is not
the same as the SURFTEN value you pass to SURFTEN and SURFOFF
are apparently only used by the perl script only
after the sander calculations with surften=1.0
And, whether you use LCPO or molsurf, you should be able to take the
"surface area" values out of the *.all.out files quite literally, though of
course, approximations are involved.
Also, if you prefer to use the molsurf program instead of sander's LCPO
implementation, molsurf should work stand-alone, but you will have to sort
through the C code (in mm_pbsa directory) and build an input .pdb file for
each frame of interest. Typing molsurf gives:
Usage: molsurf pqrfile probe_rad
Finally, here is an earlier email on the AMBER list which addresses your
question more directly from the mm_pbsa author himself:
Jarrod Wesley Barnes wrote:
> I was curious to know if one could calculate the solvent
> acessible surface area for an atom or residue in a trajectory
> file over the course of a MD simulation in one of the programs
> associated with Amber. If not, is there a program that is
> capable of doing this calculation over the course of the
> trajectory ?
Within the mm_pbsa module, at least residue based (+
side-chain/backbone) decomposition is possible. For that, you need to
break down your trajectory into single snapshots, however.
Have a look at the .DECOMP section in the file. You also need
to choose GBSA=2 in the .GB section and to set SURFTEN=1.0 . This will
give you the SAS in the results file (in the column where otherwise the
nonpolar contribution to solvation free energy is reported). Please
note, with GBSA=2, SAS is computed here as sum over (non-buried)
surfaces of (approximated) spheres.
Best regards
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