AMBER: Carnal Input file

From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 01:06:55 +0200

Hye, I'm trying to get some data out of a md simulation that I made, using
carnal, but I don't seem to get what I would like to. Could some help me
please? This is my input file for carnal:


  PARM p1 pidimer.parm;
  STREAM s1 pidimer.mdcrd;
  COORD c1 pidimer.W120_carbon_ALFA.carnal;
  GROUP carbon (ATOM 1939);
  COORD c1 s1;

What I would like to do is to get the posisiton of a specific atom during a
simulation. My parameter file is pidimer.parm and my coordinates file is
pidimer.mdcrd . I made a PDB file of those two and the atom I want to follow
on the simulation is number 1939 in the pdb (It's the alpha carbon of a
protein's tryptophan). So what I was expecting is a file with a time
parameter, showing the time step of the simulation, in one column and 3
columns with x,y,z positions. But that is not what I got. Could someone help
me? Thank you.

Frederico Miranda

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Received on Tue Sep 23 2003 - 00:53:00 PDT
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