what is the CPU type on the challenge?
try typing "hinv" and see. it may not be compatible
with the binary for the Octane2.
Also, please tell us what machine file you are
using, and if you compiled on the challenge
or on another machine.
----- Original Message -----
From: <sd233.georgetown.edu>
Cc: <amber.scripps.edu>; <np47.georgetown.edu>; <sd233.georgetown.edu>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 11:58 AM
Subject: AMBER: AMBER error in CHALANGE
> Dear ALL:
> I am trying to run SANDER in AMBER7 on a CHALANGE-L multi CPU (10)
> machine with IRIX 6.5 loaded on the machine. But its giving the
> following error:
> Program not supported by architecture.
> We are able to run SANDER (AMBER7) SGI OCTANE 2 (2CPUs) with IRIX 6.5
> installed on it.
> I would appreciate if could help us to resolve this problem.
> Thanks in advance,
> Siva
> D.Sivanesan, Ph.D.
> Dept. of Oncology,
> Lombardi Cancer Center,
> Georgetown University, DC 20057
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Received on Mon Sep 15 2003 - 17:53:00 PDT