As previously advertised, Google is a useful tool.
The following Google search gets two pages of hits:
Exceeding lastist in get_istack site:amber.ch.ic.ac.uk
This one gets the idea across:
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Venkata S Koppuravuri wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the following error (in min.out file) when i tried to minimize
> one of my structures and the minimization process stopped.
> ------------------------------
> Exceeding lastist in get_istack
> lastist = 6000000
> top_stk= 5846600
> isize = 184346
> request= 6030946
> Increase lastist in the &cntrl namelist
> --------------------------------
> can someone please explain me what this error is and how to solve it.
> Regards
> -Venkat
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