AMBER: tleap under amber6

From: Qiang Lu <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 10:32:05 -0700

Hi amber,

   I have one problems when I use tleap under AMBER6.

1. The bond command in tleap of AMBER6 seem different to bond command in
tleap of AMBER7. When I ran the bond command under AMBER7, it was
correct. if I ran the bond under AMBER6, the wrong message was
bond: Argument #1 is type String must be of type: [atom]
usage: bond <atom1> <atom2> [order]

The bond commands are:

loadAmberParams znbond.frcmod
lap hih.prepin
lap cyh.prepin
x=lp ca_nb_opt_mk_n1_nofix.pdb
bond x.2.ZN x.1.SG
bond x.2.ZN x.3.SG
bond x.2.ZN x.4.SG

Please help me, what is the correct bond command in AMBER6

Best regards,
 Qiang  Lu               
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