Dear amber users,
A week ago, I sent this email to the list, but there is no response. So I
would like to send it again in case there are some people who did not see it.
I have a question about PMF calculation. Basically, I have performed a PMF
calculation on two torsion angles with Gibbs, and I'd like to want to
know how large the energy penalty would be for this conformational change.
We expected to see a large value, but the calculated free energy is pretty
small. In my output file, we found there was something which looks really
suspicious: All the energy terms are zero except CORC...
ELEC = 0.000 NONB = 0.000 14NB = 0.000
14EL = 0.000 BADH = 0.000 CORC = 0.108
EPOL = 0.000 E3bod= 0.000
Constrained Internals at Last F.E. Update Lam L+d_L
H1 (3352)-C1 (3351)-O1 (3353)-C7 (3354) -27.3650 -26.4000
C1 (3351)-O1 (3353)-C7 (3354)-C8 (3355) -123.7200 -125.0000
Could anyone tell me what has gone wrong with my calculation? Why
ELEC, NONB, 14NB... are all Zero? Thanks for your attention. Any
suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
Here is my input file:
timlim = 0.1000000E+09 , irest = 1 , ibelly = 0
ichdna = 0 , ipol = 0 , i3bod = 0
iewald = 0 ,
ntx = 7 , ntxo = 1 , ig = 71277
tempi = 10.0000 , heat = 0.0000000E+00 ,
ntb = 2 , iftres = 0 , boxx(1)=
0.0000000E+00 ,
boxx(2)= 0.0000000E+00 , boxx(3)= 0.0000000E+00 , betar =
0.0000000E+00 ,
ibxrd = 0 ,
nrun = 21 , ntt = 5 , temp0 = 298.0000
dtemp = 999.0000 , tautp = 0.5000000 , tauts = 0.5000000
isolvp = 0 , nsel = 0 , dtuse = 0.5000000
ntp = 1 , npscal = 0 , pres0 = 1.000000
comp = 44.60000 , taup = 0.2000000 ,
ndfmin = 0 , ntcm = 0 , nscm = -1
istay = 0 , nstay = 0 , isvat = 1
nstlim = 25000 , init = 4 , ntu = 1
t = 0.0000000E+00 , dt = 0.1000000E-02 , vlimit = 20.00000
ivemax = 0 ,
ntc = 3 , ntcc = 0 , nconp = 0
tol = 0.1000000E-07 , tolr2 = 0.1000000E-03 , ncorc = 1
ishkfl = 6 , itimth = 0 , jfastw = 0
ntf = 3 , ntid = 0 , ntn = 3
ntnb = 1 , nsnb = 25 , idiel = 1
inbper = 0 , ielper = 0 , imgslt = 0
idsx0 = 400 , itrslu = 1 , ioleps = 0
intprt = 5 , itip = 0 ,
cut = 10.00000 , scnb = 2.000000 , scee = 1.200000
dielc = 1.000000 , cut2nd = 0.0000000E+00 , cutprt =
0.0000000E+00 ,
ntpr = 500000 , ntwx = -1 , ntwv = -1
ntwe = -1 , ntwxm = 0 , ntwvm = 0
ntwem = 0 , ntpp = 0 , ioutfm = 0
isande = 1 , iperat = 0 , iatcmp = 0
ntatdp = 0 , icmpdr = 0 , ncmpdr = 0
ntwprt = -1 , ntwpr0 = 0 ,
ntr = 0 , nrc = 0 , ntrx = 1
taur = 0.1000000 , intr = 2 , ibigm = 0
nmrmax = 0 , iwtmax = 0 , isftrp = 0
rwell = 4.000000 ,
iftime = 0 , ctimt = 40.00000 , almda = 1.000000
almdel = 0.5000000E-01 , isldyn = -3 , idifrg = 0
nstmeq = 10000 , nstmul = 15000 , ndmpmc = 0
idwide = 1 , ibndlm = 0 ,
iavslp = 8 , iavslm = 2 , islp = 0
corrsl = 0.8000000 , amxmov = 0.1000000E-01 ,
iavdel = -1 , iavdem = 2 , amxdel = 0.1000000
almdl0 = 0.100000E-02 , dlmin = 0.1000000E-04 , dlmax =
0.1000000E-01 ,
amxrst = 0.9999999E-01 , norsts = 0 , ntsd = 0
almstp = -1.000000 ,
nstpe = 10000 , nstpa = 15000 , dte =
0.1000000E-02 ,
dta = 0.1000000E-02 ,
ivcap = 2 , natcap = 0 , fcap = 1.500000
3352 3351 3353 3354 0 1 2 1.00000 0.00000
0.00000 -26.40000 0.00000 -45.70000 0 0
3351 3353 3354 3355 0 1 2 1.00000 0.00000
0.00000-125.00000 0.00000 -99.40000 0 0
Thanks in advance.
Xiaojian Tan
The AMBER Mail Reflector
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Received on Tue Jul 15 2003 - 18:53:01 PDT