Re: 2 questions

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 07:08:51 -0400

13 kcal/mol is a large value. if it is correct, it
represents a difference of 9 orders of magnitude in
the equilibrium constant at 300K. proteins typically
do not have 13 kcal/mol stability

> - Starting from a wild type fold, I mutated a residue. Using the GBSA
strategy, I get a
> dE(effective) value of 8 kcal/mol and a dG value of 13 kcal/mol between
the mutant and the
> wild type protein (1 nanosec productive MD with GB). Can I conclude that
the mutation
> present a stabilisation or a de-stabilisation effect ? To my opinion, such
a dG is too
> small...
> Thanks a lot, regards, Francois
Received on Fri May 09 2003 - 14:53:02 PDT
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