Re: AMBER pdb help - lost atoms - Part 2

From: <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 12:50:29 -0500

I was attempting to convert my pdb to AMBER topology and coordinate files,
using the commands:
antechamber -i GC.pdb -fi pdb -o GC.prepin -fo prepi -c gas
parmchk -i GC.prepin -f prepi -o GC_frcmod

After the antechamber command, the prepi and NEWPDB.PDB files have only 15
of 26 atoms that were in the original input file, but the
atoms. The pdb file basically is a G-C pair with no sugars or phosphates.

I tried to use tleap to create a unit containing the pdb, but I get so many
additional atoms using the standard residue names that the results are
useless to me. I'm thinking I need to create my own templates for each
residue, and use leap. Once again, thanks for your help - I'll start on
the custom templates and that should solve my problem with lost atoms.

K. Gilbert

ATOM 1 C1 DCN3 1 2.1472 -4.424 2.4696
ATOM 2 N1 DCN3 1 -2.157 -2.191 -0.174
ATOM 3 H1 DCN3 1 -2.098 -1.226 -0.465
ATOM 4 H2 DCN3 1 -2.992 -2.728 -0.366
ATOM 5 C4 DCN3 1 -1.142 -2.754 0.4626
ATOM 6 N3 DCN3 1 -0.054 -2.012 0.7042
ATOM 7 C2 DCN3 1 1.0164 -2.539 1.3482
ATOM 8 O2 DCN3 1 2.0354 -1.878 1.5860
ATOM 9 N2 DCN3 1 0.9622 -3.867 1.7629
ATOM 10 C6 DCN3 1 -0.137 -4.626 1.5243
ATOM 11 C5 DCN3 1 -1.224 -4.118 0.8821
ATOM 12 C7 DGN3 2 0.9446 5.5853 -1.569
ATOM 13 N4 DGN3 2 2.2610 0.9093 0.4863
ATOM 14 H3 DGN3 2 2.1932 -0.040 0.7906
ATOM 15 H4 DGN3 2 3.1036 1.4041 0.6068
ATOM 16 O6 DGN3 2 -2.085 0.4135 -0.876
ATOM 17 C8 DGN3 2 -1.130 1.1864 -0.800
ATOM 18 C9 DGN3 2 -1.035 2.5301 -1.228
ATOM 19 N5 DGN3 2 -1.983 3.3480 -1.848
ATOM 20 C10 DGN3 2 -1.359 4.4859 -2.012
ATOM 21 N6 DGN3 2 -0.059 4.4880 -1.551
ATOM 22 C11 DGN3 2 0.1464 3.2247 -1.043
ATOM 23 N7 DGN3 2 1.3009 2.7773 -0.482
ATOM 24 C12 DGN3 2 1.2138 1.5101 -0.087
ATOM 25 N8 DGN3 2 0.0731 0.7456 -0.222
ATOM 26 H5 DGN3 2 0.0628 -0.199 0.1041

>On Thu, Apr 03, 2003, wrote:
> > Thanks for the responses on my first post. I've tried even more
> methods to
> > get my pdb file to be completely read in, but even starting with nukit,
> > then nucgen, then leap or antechamber doesn't seem to work.
>Sorry, my memory of your problem is not what you think it is. Saying
>"leap or antechamber doesn't seem to work" doesn't help enough. Exactly
>what commands did you give, and what was the result?
> > And leap
> > insists on adding the sugar and phosphate to each base, and I am not using
> > them in my study.
>If you want to use the standard libraries for nucleic acids, then LEaP
>will indeed add atoms that it needs to get that standard moiety. If you
>want to model something that is not in the standard library, you need to
>make your own templates. You can do this by editing an existing template
>(change the residue name to avoid confusion with the standard names), or
>use antechamber to build the template for you.
>.good luck...dac
Received on Thu Apr 03 2003 - 18:53:01 PST
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