Re: Fwd: Re: Request for Amber7 (fwd)

From: Rajendra P. OJHA <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 02:53:12 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Professor Case,
     It happens with PC-Linux with redhat 8.0.
     Amber6 was working fine on redhat 7.0.
     Recently I installed redhat 8.0 and amber6 and
amber7 on it. Both gives this problem
     When I used xleap command then icon for leap
appeared. After typing in this icon it is not
possible to see. But after applying the command it
respond well. But the the response typed on this icon
is not seen.
     Please suggest and oblige.

Professor R. P. Ojha DDU Gorakhpur University
Biophysics Unit Gorakhpur - 273 009,INDIA
Department of Physics Phone:91-551-202167;321473
                               Fax :91-551-340459
                               Email :

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