Mac Brown writes:
> Hi, I'm running AMBER 7 on a MAC OS X system.
> I'm having trouble loading off files into leap - the xyz coordinates
> get
> corrupted and zeros or NAN's result. I don't get any errors during the
> compliation
> process, but I am assuming that leap did not compile correctly.
> Anybody have any
> suggestions as to specific programs that I should pay extra attention
> to during the
> compliation?
> Thanks,
> Mac Brown
The C library on FreeBSD is different from Linux, and this
results in a similar set of problems. Look on the Amber web
site for the FreeBSD patch, apply it and see if that helps.
Bud Dodson
M. L. Dodson
409-772-2178 FAX: 409-772-1790
Received on Mon Apr 21 2003 - 21:53:01 PDT