Dear AMBER users,
I attempted to run tleap for plastocyanin.
I hereby attach the command I gave and the
output given by the program. Would you
kinldy inform what should I do to overcome
this? With thanks
Sincerely Dr. C.Karunakaran
[amkumar.mcwsimsofa ~/karan]$ tleap -f
-I: Adding /home/amkumar/soft/amber6/dat to search
-I: Adding /home/amkumar/soft/amber6/dat/leap/lib to
search path.
-I: Adding /home/amkumar/soft/amber6/dat/leap/cmd to
search path.
-f: Source
Welcome to LEaP!
Sourcing leaprc:
Log file: ./leap.log
Loading parameters:
Loading library:
Loading library:
Loading library:
Loading library:
Loading library:
Loading library:
Sourcing: ./
Loading parameters: ./frcmodp.pcy
Reading force field mod type file (frcmod)
Loading Prep file: ./
** 0.00000
: 'IMPROPER' atom N not found
82 pairs of atoms within potential bonding distance
54 are not H-H pairs
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<C 15> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CB 4> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CG 7> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CG 7> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<C 15> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<C 15> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<C 15> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CB 4> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CG 7> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<SD 10> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<SD 10> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HB2 5> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HB3 6> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HG2 8> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HG3 9> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<C 15> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<C 15> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HE1 12> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HE2 13> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HE3 14> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<SD 10> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<SD 10> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CG 7> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CG 7> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HG2 8> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HG3 9> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<SD 10> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CE 11> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HE3 14> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HE1 12> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CE 11> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CE 11> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<SD 10> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CE 11> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<CE 11> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<HE2 13> has maximum number of bonds.
Atom .R<2 1>.A<O 16> has maximum number of bonds.
Unexpected EOF: discarding residue ()
!FATAL ERROR----------------------------------------
!FATAL: In file [varArray.c], line 156
!FATAL: Message: VarArrayDestroy: VARARRAY is
Abort (core dumped)
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Received on Wed Apr 09 2003 - 00:53:01 PDT