Re: help on VMD movie

From: Zhang Jian <>
Date: Wed 13 Nov 2002 17:40:14 -0800 (PST)

Thank you very much!

--- Thomas <> wrote:
> I sent a note the amber listserve about this last
> week.
> IN short there is a blank line in the .crd file that
> VMD reads as a
> coordinate line.
> Remove the first blank line in the .crd file and vmd
> should read it ok.
> When it reads the blank line the atom count gets off
> by one (or so it
> seems) and then
> as you animate the atom index gets out of sync with
> the topology.
> YOu might want to check into the differences between
> load parm and top,
> which is for reading a single frame, and
> animate-> read-> crd, which is for reading a
> trajectory.
> This might cause problems too, but I'm not sure.
> TOm

Jian Zhang, Dr
Institute for Biophysics
Nanjing University
22 Hankou Road, Nanjing 210093
P. R. China
Tel: 86-25-3594476
Fax: 86-25-3595535

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Received on Wed Nov 13 2002 - 17:40:14 PST
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