I could not do a single step carnal, so settled with two step. Later I
used ptraj to do the task. The example in ptraj does not work, 'cos the
sequence of the commands are upside down! the following is the one that I
presently use to do the job to generate PDBs fitted with a reference
structure and the molecule placed at center of the box. Hope this helps.
reference /home/sanjeev/MD/1HI2/INPUT-MINIM/molecule.min.crd
trajin /home/sanjeev/MD/1HI2/CRD/molecule.0000_0010.crd.gz
trajin /home/sanjeev/MD/1HI2/CRD/molecule.6370_6380.crd.gz
trajin /home/sanjeev/MD/1HI2/CRD/molecule.6380_6390.crd.gz
trajin /home/sanjeev/MD/1HI2/CRD/molecule.6390_6400.crd.gz
trajout molecule.pdb PDB
center .CA
rms reference out CAmolecule.rms .CA
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Vlad Cojocaru wrote:
Dear Amber users,
I found out that OUTPUT COORD option in carnal has an option BOX which
is not written in the manual.
With this option I managed to output trajectories in a proper way for
visualizing them with VMD.
Now the question is that I want to see the trajectory after fitting
all the structures to the first frame.
The BOX option seems not to work anymore when I give to carnal the
GROUP g1 (RES 1-17);
IMAGE img g1%cmass;
RMS fit1 FIT g1;
COORD crd fit1 BOX;
The program gives an error message that tells me that the BOX option
does not work with fit. If I do not use the BOX option the trajectories
are again impossible to visualize with VMD.
Does anyone have any suggestions about this??
Thanks a lot!
Received on Wed Oct 30 2002 - 05:50:45 PST