Re: geometry optimization/turning off Elec and Vdw terms

From: Margaret Cheung <>
Date: Mon 7 Oct 2002 15:26:01 -0700 (PDT)

> Dear Amber,
> I have a system with some atom centers that are simply put "way too
> close" and I'm trying to optimize using geometry only in Sander.
> Is there a way to turn off the nonbonded (vdw and elec) interactions and
> only due geometry optimization in Sander?

I did that on the vdw part before. All I did was to edit prmtop manually.
Write a script and replace parameters of CN1 and CN2 by zeros. It should
take care of the vdw part.

> Setting SCNB, SCEE and DIELC >> 1 takes care of electrostatics and the
> 1-4 vdw and electrostatic interactions,
> but still leaves vdw interactions.
> Setting CUT << 1.0 should take care of vdw but gets me into trouble b/c
> the number of nbond interactions exceeds some array limits
> and this is probably not a good idea for anything other than NTB=0 !!!
> I'm sure there are other tricks I could play with parameters, but the
> best solution is to simply turn off these energy functions,
> and I haven't found a way to do this. NTT only lets me turn off the
> bonded terms not the nonbonded terms :-(
> Can you help?
> NOTE: Geometry optimization is a cute trick to generate coordinates for
> small molecules using only random initial
> coords, if vdw and electrostatic interactions are turned off then atoms
> can pass thru each other as necessary during optimization. Granted the
> resulting structures are 1) not necc. global energy min. and 2) have
> random chirality. Nonetheless I used this scheme w/ XPLOR to generate
> structures for all 20a.a. starting with only topology files and it
> worked ok.
> In short it's a cute trick to place a limited number of missing atoms
> when you have nothing to work with but the toplogy.
> Thanks in advance.
> TOm
> --
> -----------------------------------------
> Thomas C. Bishop, Ph.D.
> Joint Faculty Appointments Program Professor
> Center for Bioenvironmental Research
> -----------------------------------------
> Tulane University Office
> -----------------------------------------
> Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences(SL-29)
> School of Public Health & Trop. Medicine
> 1430 Tulane Avenue
> New Orleans, LA 70112
> Phone: 504-988-6203 Fax: 504-585-6428
> -----------------------------------------
> Xavier University Office
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> Division of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
> College of Pharmacy
> 7325 Palmetto Street
> New Orleans, LA 70125
> Phone: 504-485-5106 Fax: 504-485-7954
> -----------------------------------------
Received on Mon Oct 07 2002 - 15:26:01 PDT
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