Re: Running amber7 on Param10000

From: Jithesh <>
Date: Thu 15 Aug 2002 13:05:46 +0530

Dear Sanjeev,

I've ported AMBER 7 on PARAM 10000 successfully using various networks and MPI libraries including MPICH. I've also tested the 'jac' benchmark and is working fine. Send me the specific problem you are facing so that I can help you.

Jithesh P.V.
Bioinformatics Applications
National PARAM Supercomputing Facility
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Pune, India - 411007

"Sanjeev B.S."<> wrote:
        With some difficulty I could port amber7 onto Param10000. But
could not actually run the program, for I could not find a way to submit
jobs. Could find support to take it to its logical end so far. If any user
familiar with AMBER on Param10000 could help me with this, I would be

Thanks in advance,

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Received on Thu Aug 15 2002 - 00:35:46 PDT
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