I would like to obtain AMBER7 for my group at the EMBL
Heidelberg/Germany. This would be an upgrade from AMBER6 which was
site-licensed to Michael Nilges when he was still at the EMBL (he has
now moved to Insitute Pasteur, Paris).
We will send you the signed software license agreement. However, I was
wondering whether the academic fee for AMBER7 could be waived or reduced
somewhat since this would be an upgrade from the AMBER6 license?
Thank you for your consideration.
Michael Sattler
Dr. Michael Sattler
Group Leader EMBL
Structural & Computational Biology
Meyerhofstr. 1, Pf. 10.2209
D-69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 387-552, Fax: -306, -519
E-mail: sattler_at_EMBL-Heidelberg.de
Received on Thu May 30 2002 - 05:59:11 PDT