again about sander_classic Amber 6.0

From: Nikolai Smolin <>
Date: Wed 22 May 2002 13:42:50 +0200

  Dear Amber users,

    Thanks to all for helps with saving of *.mdcrd.
I setted ntwxm=0 and got my trajectory.
But now I have same problem with *.mdvel.
I set
    ntwv=100, ntwvm=0,
    ntwx=100, ntwxm=0,
    ntwe=100, ntwem=0,
And after simulation I have *.mdcrd and *.mden with all information
about trajectory and energy, but emty *.mdvel.

Any suggestion
thanks in advance!

Dipl.-Phys. Nikolai Smolin
Physikalische Chemie I
Universitaet Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Str. 6
44221 Dortmund
Tel:     +49 / 231 / 755 3929
Fax:     +49 / 231 / 755 3901
Received on Wed May 22 2002 - 04:42:50 PDT
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