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From: Lepsa <lepsik_at_marilyn.uochb.cas.cz>
Date: Wed 17 Apr 2002 16:38:47 +0200

Hi Filip,
what about trying the UK mirror at http://amber.ch.ic.ac.uk/?



Martin Lepsik, PhD student            Phone:  +420/2/20183-540, Fax:
Dept. of Theor Chem & Center for Complex molecular Systems and Biomolecules
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB)
Flemingovo nam 2,
Czech Academy of Sciences,
166 10, Prague 6,
Czech Rep.
URL: www.uochb.cas.cz/~teochem
----- Original Message -----
From: "Filip Ryjacek" <filip.ryjacek_at_jh-inst.cas.cz>
To: "AMBER Mail Reflector" <amber_at_heimdal.compchem.ucsf.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 6:01 PM
> Hi everybody,
> could you please send me the e-mail for ordering AMBER 7?
> (http://amber.ucsf.edu is down).
> best,
> Filip
> Dne st 17. duben 2002 14:26 Lepsa napsal(a):
> > Vlad,
> > have a look at the AMBER manual about resp.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Martin
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >-
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >- ----
> > Martin Lepsik, PhD student            Phone:  +420/2/20183-540, Fax:
> > +420/2/20183-292
> > Dept. of Theor Chem & Center for Complex molecular Systems and
> > Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB)
> > Flemingovo nam 2,
> > Czech Academy of Sciences,
> > 166 10, Prague 6,
> > Czech Rep.
> > URL: www.uochb.cas.cz/~teochem
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Vlad Cojocaru" <Vlad.Cojocaru_at_mpi-bpc.mpg.de>
> > To: <amber_at_heimdal.compchem.ucsf.edu>
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 12:53 PM
> > Subject: RESP charges
> >
> > > Dear AMBER users,
> > >   Can somebody give some hints how to generate RESP charges from ESP
> > > charges calculated with g94?
> > > Thanks a lot,
> > > vlad
> > >
> > > --
> > > Vlad Cojocaru
> > > Max Planck Institut for Biophysical Chemistry
> > > Deparment: 060
> > > Am Fassberg 11, 37077 Goettingen, Germany
> > > tel: ++49-551-201.1389
> > > e-mail: Vlad.Cojocaru_at_mpi-bpc.mpg.de
> > > Home Address: Gutenbergstrasse 26/8
> > >               37075 Goettingen, Germany
> > > Home tel. number: ++49-551-9963204
> > > Mobile: ++49-179-6851586
> > > alternative email: johhnny_ar_at_yahoo.com
Received on Wed Apr 17 2002 - 07:38:47 PDT
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